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Senior Developer at SAP
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Sriram Viswanathan’s invitation is awaiting your response

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Sriram Viswanathan
Sriram Viswanathan
Senior Developer at SAP
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Missing Connections

Galli Classic

Lunacy is checking Craigslist Missed Connections and then arguing aloud with posts that are obviously mistaken about what I wore today.


We made eye contact and sat across from each other on the R train.

Sorry for not saying anything, was taken back by your cute face.

HEY!! IT’S ME! I’m the girl! It’s finally happening because I really do have a “cute face.” I really think I may.

Now, technically I wasn’t on the R train. But I’m sure I was near the R. Is the R near the 1? I’m on the 1 all the damn time. The spine of the R looks like a 1. Boom. It’s me. On the R/1.

R train. It was totally me. He thought I was CUTE, y’all. We can make this happen.

I have no idea where the R train is.

Don’t give up. This is THE GUY. Romantic comedies…

View original post 406 more words

How Fast is Exponential Growth? (Or, Yao Ming Confronts the Vastness of the Universe)

Math with Bad Drawings

On this humble brown planet, we’re used to things growing at a steady pace. Trees add a ring every year. Families expand by one child or marriage at a time. Even in their most extreme months of food-gobbling growth spurts, teenagers will sprout at most a few inches. All of these are examples of linear growth (or something close to it). It’s modest, approachable – something the human brain has no trouble grasping.

But not all growth is like this. Take the old story of the sultan and the beggar. The beggar comes before the sultan, pleading for some rice to eat. When the sultan asks how much he needs, the beggar cleverly points to a nearby chessboard. He asks the sultan to put 1 grain on the first square, 2 on the next, 4 on the next, 8 on the next, and so on, doubling the number of grains for…

View original post 509 more words

What You Should Know About IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder in the body that affects the digestive system, particularly the large intestine or the colon, which is assigned to regulate and man over the excretion of solid wastes of the body.

Although it may not seem true, irritable bowel syndrome is one of the most common diagnosed functional problems in the body. In the country alone, one out of five people are afflicted with the problem. This translates to about 20 percent of Americans. Still, little is known about the problem. Unlike other disorders that have already had awareness campaigns, irritable bowel syndrome still remain under the shadows. There is a lot of confusion as to how it starts and if a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is appropriate.

What is doubly hard for this problem is the fact that there are no laboratory tests that can confirm the presence of irritable bowel syndrome. Diagnosis as mentioned before is solely dependent on the examination and study of the symptoms based on the account of the patient as well as on the medical history. Unlike other diseases that are directly caused by bacteria, virus and other organisms, irritable bowel syndrome has no known organic cause. Indirect causes or factors that may trigger the problem include stress, food items that may serve as irritant in the colon as well as milk products.

The numbers of cases of irritable bowel syndrome can actually even grow further as most people who have the problem do not even know that they have the problem. This is perhaps because of the fact that most of its symptoms are similar to symptoms of other body disorders. There is actually no distinctive symptom. This also the reason why it is classified under the term “syndrome.” Because there is a clear lack of a symptom that will differentiate it from other problems, diagnosis will depend on a set of symptoms that must be present. But what are the symptoms?

One of the main symptoms that doctors often watch out for in irritable bowel syndrome is the abdominal pain. This is actually one of the differentiating factors that doctors use to make a conclusion or final diagnosis. According to the Rome II Diagnostic Criteria, which is often used in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders, irritable bowel syndrome symptoms include abdominal pain and discomfort episodes that may last for about 12 months.

What are Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatments

There a number of things one can do to avoid the worsening of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The first two has something to do with diet and these two are to eat only healthy food and to eat small meals throughout the day instead of large meals. The next one is to check the medicines you are taking because there are cases where the medication for another disorder can cause another disorder. The last one has something to do with outlook or the psychological make-up of the person concerned. Try to live a stress free life by avoiding conflict and emotional upsets. All these things one can do but since Irritable Bowel Syndrome is something that has no known cause, you can still suffer from it even if you do all the things mentioned earlier.

Once sure that you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, it is time to examine the Irritable Bowel syndrome treatments available for you. There are already a number of over the counter drugs, Imodium or Loperamide being the most popular, but there are other treatments that you can consider especially if you are a woman.

For women with severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome and who does not respond to conventional therapy, there is Alosetron hydrochloride (Lotronex). The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved this treatment but even with this approval Lotronex users should be very careful because it can have side effects such as severe constipation or decreased blood flow to the colon. These side effects can be very serious so a doctor should be guiding the patient using the medication.

There is also the Tegaserod maleate (Zelnorm). Another one approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but this time around for the short-term treatment of women with Irritable Bowel Syndrome whose primary symptom is constipation. Zelnorm is taken for a standard 4 to 6 weeks. If the medication has taken effect already and the patient experiences a decrease in symptoms, the doctor may prescribe Zelnorm for an extended 4 to 6 weeks.

Again, these two treatments should be undergone under the watchful eye of your family doctor or a physician otherwise it can be a dangerous endeavor. Irritable Bowel Syndrome may be incurable for now but Irritable Bowel Syndrome treatments are present and there are many studies going on to improve these treatments so that one day hopefully and finally a cure maybe found.

Vital Information That You Should Know About IBS

Irritable bowel movement is a dysfunction in the body’s food excretion system that is characterized by pain and cramps in the stomach as well as diarrhea and constipation. IBS largely affects the large intestine, a part of the digestive system of the body that regulates the storage and the excretion solid body wastes.

Irritable bowel syndrome is classified under syndrome because it has a number of symptoms that must all be present before a diagnosis can occur unlike other body dysfunctions that may only manifest one symptom.

IBS is not a disease. It is not caused by a bacteria or virus that we have accidentally ingested. Rather irritable bowel syndrome is caused by an internal problem in the body. There is actually no primary cause that medical experts can pinpoint. All they know is that muscles in the large intestines become too sensitive to stimulation that they are easily irritated when digestion is ongoing. Because of this irritation, the body reacts to it by holding off the waste material or over excreting them.

Although stress is not actually a main cause of irritable bowel syndrome, the presence of many stressors can affect or trigger an episode of IBS. There are also some kinds of food that may trigger the problem when eaten.

The severity of the problem is actually different with each person. For most people, irritable bowel syndrome is actually an unheard of problem. The symptoms are often so mild that few people even consider it as a serious problem. Often, they don’t even think that they have the dysfunction as they will largely dismiss the symptoms something they might have gotten from the food that they ate. Still there are some cases that the pain is so severe that the person can no longer take it on. These are the people that seek medical help for treatment.

Unlike the treatment of other diseases that has a specific cause, treatment of IBS is wide-range. Some doctors will initially prescribed a diet that is full of fiber to help combat the problem. This however can be a problem as most patients do not actually abide by the regimented diet. This is why most recommend the taking in of medications that contain fibers or those that are formulated to help people suffering from constipation. That way, people will be able to better follow with the prescribed treatment.

There are also some doctors who prefer therapies as they believe that irritable bowel syndrome is largely caused by emotional problems and stress that are transmuted to physiological problems. Others also perform acupuncture on the patient.

Understanding IBS Relief

IBS is no other than Irritable Bowel Syndrome, oftentimes associated with discomforts of stomach from gas pain, bloating and troubled bowel movements. Although it is a very common digestive problem, it caused enormous disturbances to millions of people without discriminating age and race.

IBS relief comes in different packs if the problem is ruled out at once. The major issue about IBS is the wide misdiagnosis because of overlapping familiar symptoms clouding the other disorders of the stomach. Usually it is considered symptom of another disease such as Crohn’s Disease, which is linked to long term episodes of IBS.

What are the main causes of IBS? It takes place in the colon, one of the heavily trafficked parts of the human intestine during food digestion. After food consumption is processed in the stomach, the culmination of activity ends in the large intestine after nutrients are absorbed from small intestine. The colon stores the remains of waste food particles with the joint activity and effort of the mechanical stimulus of the nerves, hormones, and other chemical elements. The process of muscular contractions to expel contents of the colon happen several times in the day, the result is bowel movement.

For normal individuals, agitation in the stomach leaves no disturbing effect. For people with IBS, the colon over reacts to even the mildest stimulation, which leads to debilitating discomfort.

IBS relief must be focused on long-term result by shifting to good diet out of determining food allergens and eliminating them all the way. If relief is only for the sake of temporary solution, it will just recur with constant carelessness. Remember that the biggest activity of the body is the complete facilitation of food intake until fully absorbed internally. Like a gasoline, it is what pushes the functioning to accelerate everything the brain instructs it to do. IBS relief must be given with care or it might result to wrong medication if misdiagnosed. It covers broader symptoms the doctors are finding hard to determine without laboratory tests.